The Epistemology of Border by Avenir Institute
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Lecture-Performance Avenir Institute
Part performative cycle "Embodying Borders" in action "Under the BoardWalk" Biennial of Urban and Stalker.
The Nationless Pavilion during the 15th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice "Reporting From The Front", he decided to work with the dynamics of individual and collective body in relation to the architecture of the barriers, opening a reflection on what it means to live on the border, taking it, appropriate it, measure it, go beyond it.
After the first two studies of performative cycle "Embodying Borders", a collaboration Nation25, Kinkaleri and Nadia Arouri - the Nationless Pavilion presents a new appointment:
"The Epistemology of Border: Futures of bio-geo-techno-Politics", lecture-performances of Avenir Institute (Denis Maksimov & Timo Tuominen), part of the action "Under the Boardwalk" Biennial of Urban and collective Stalker: a lagoon pilgrimage looking Archipelago Europe.
During the lecture-performance, Denis Maksimov & Timo Tuominen will depart from the visual concept of the Leviathan of Thomas Hobbes, a monstrous giant who represents the State, in order to reflect the radical changes that the boundary, such as mental and physical idea, going through . Microcosm and macrocosm of the body geographic compared in a system of intra-spatial displacements and cyber-biological changes.
This action continues the collaboration initiated between Avenir Institute and Nation25 with Nationless Pavilion 2015.
Also for 2016 the Nationless Pavilion chooses a non exhibition, a job with the local reality and generative in the Venice area, activating processes that meet compatriots, migrants and refugees.
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