"Academicism and Modernity" - QUARTET HANSON
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Théodore DUBOIS
Quartet n arcs. 1
Gabriel FAURÉ
Winners of the third prize at the International Competition of Chamber Music of Lyon in 2015
Théodore Dubois and Gabriel Fauré from the same generation (both also died in 1924) and have rather similar careers: organists, professors, and directors of the Conservatory of Paris and member of the Institut de France. Yet, the history of music written in the twentieth century will set a very sharp dividing line between the two musicians: Dubois will be placed in the field of "cadets", Fauré in that of the "modernists." With a free ear from the prejudices of the past we will therefore propose listening Quartet No. 1 of the first (1909) joined the one of the second quartet (1924).
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