Centrifuge: meeting with Livia Rocchi
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On 22 October 2016 the spin day. Some of the authors who have written for this anthology will be in 13 different cities and present their story and the project.
The Ohana Venice Library hosts Livia Rocchi, who was among the authors of the project Geostilton (De Agostini - Piemme), he worked as an editor for Camelozampa the Metaphysics of Harry Potter and Potterologia (of which the narrator is also). For the same publishing house, she is writing a series of novels for young, The Talent Angels. In its centrifugal collection is the tale Milaresolsimì where music, memories and feelings are mixed giving us a glimpse of unique childhood and at the same time mirror than many others. In the background the world of work, with its incessant rhythms, transfers, dismissals and transfers the times impossible. But from one note to the other there is still room to dream or to remember and make sure that things go better, after all, sometimes, just open your heart.
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