Nordic Walk in Carnival
"Hunt Carnival" masquerade
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Back in Venice, on the occasion of the new edition of the Carnival, the NordicWalkinCarnival4, dedicated to all those who want to try with Nordic Walking.
The event, an exciting sort of "Carnival" Hunting masked, will be held Saturday, February 11 and will see participants walk along the lanes and squares of the most beautiful cities in the world using the typical Nordic walking sticks.
Four of Venice will cross colored spots, painting the streets and bridges with the colors of nordicwalkincarnival. There will be four routes, selected from the most beautiful areas of the urban fabric, which will cross streets, bridges and squares, along which the teams must pass tests in order to continue the journey. The paths lead inspired names and extrapolated by the theme of Carnival 2017, four will be the relevant teams. Each competitor will dress with Venetian Bauta, a tricorn and cloak, which will be of four different colors, combined with relative paths. The teams masked, will have to identify environmental and historical and architectural details details, existing along the way, relying on a dossier of photographic clues and maps provided to them. They will complete the game arriving in Piazza San Marco, where you will compose an allegorical puzzle with elements conquered along their assigned routes.
Event organized by Mestre Nordic Walking - Nordic Walking Italy
via Pepe 12 30172 Mestre Venice
tel +39041978274 clr + 39 331 50 55 916
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