Marco Polo and the journey of wonders - Teatro Stabile del Veneto
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Production: Theatre Foundation Young boys - Torino
Directing and dramaturgy: Luigina Dagostino
Claudio Dughera, Daniel Lascar, Claudia Martens
The show is an exciting theatrical journey on the theme of exploration, knowledge and wonderful. The staging has the shape of a great game, in which the props are transformed into fantastical elements of the story. Marco Polo is 17, and a passion for travel to mysterious lands. Thus a bright Venetian afternoon of 1271 decides to leave to the discovery of the uses and customs, of diverse languages, foods, perfumes and music of those who live in places far from our own.
Assigned Seating € 6,00 place
The tickets of the shows of the festival Family Sundays can be purchased at the ticket office of the Goldoni Theatre from October 28. E 'can also purchase online at
Ticketing times
Monday to Saturday 10:00 to 13:00 15:00 to 6:30 p.m.
The day of the show ticket office opens one hour before the start
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