The four Seasons
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The four Seasons
Venetia Antiqua
Liesl Odenweller
From "Il Cimento Harmony and Invention", concertos for violin, strings and basso continuo
Music by Antonio Vivaldi
- A. Vivaldi Concerto in A minor. RV 463
(1678-1741) for oboe, strings and basso continuo
Nicola Favaro, oboe
- A. VIVALDI from: The Pharnaces
(1678-1741) Air "Frosty in every vein"
for soprano, strings and continuo
Liesl Odenweller, soprano
- A. VIVALDI from: The Cimento Harmony and Invention
The four Seasons
Concerti Grossi for violin, strings and basso continuo
Luca Mares, violin
* Concerto in E major. "Spring"
for violin, strings and basso continuo
Allegro-Largo-Allegro and always pianissimo
* Concerto in G minor. "Summer"
for violin, strings and basso continuo
Allegro non molto-Adagio-Presto
* Concerto in F major. "Autumn"
for violin, strings and basso continuo
Allegro-Adagio molto-Allegro
* Concerto in F minor. "Winter"
for violin, strings and basso continuo
Allegro non molto-Largo-Allegro
Venetia Antiqua
soprano - Liesl Odenweller
oboe - Nicola Favaro
Solo Violin - Luca Mares
Violin - Giacomo Catana
Violin - Stefano Bruni (14-16)
Violin - Mauro Spinazzè (21-23)
purple - Francesca Levorato
cello - Alessandra Boldrin (14-16)
cello - Federico Toffano (21-23)
violone - Daniele Carnio
harpsichord - Alberto Maron (14-16)
harpsichord - Michele Liuzzi (21-23)
Book your ticket or make a reservation:
- Straight from the concert page via paypal (it runs without recording)
- If you arrive half an hour before the concert start
- In hotels, via reception
Full ticket € 30.00
Seniors (65 years of age, Venice residents with Charter d 'Identity') € 20.00
Junior (15-20 years) € 10.00
Children (15 years) € 5.00
Students (with badges, under 30 years of age) € 10.00
Couple (2 persons) € 50.00
Families (2 adults + 2 children up to 20 years of age) € 60.00
Groups (10 or + persons, per person) € 20.00
(VIP Front Row, special treatment) € 50.00
CONCERTS or for groups and private schools, on request
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