From 12 Mar 2016 to 11 Sep 2016
Museo del Vetro

Silvia Levenson. identidad desaparecida



A path between personal history and memory of a country.

Silvia Levenson, a renowned artist from Argentina who for years lived in Italy, is presented for the first time in a public space in Venice with Identidad desaparecida, a solo exhibition whose title alludes to the gap left by thousands of children, now adults, torn to their biological families in Argentina during the regime from 1976 to 1983, when the military and their civilian accomplices - doctors, priests and officials - wanted to eliminate not only one generation, but also their descendants.

Returning from his excellent welcome they received in Buenos Aires, Washington, Barcelona, ​​Montevideo, Paris and Riga, the exhibition, organized in collaboration with the Gallery Ferry Venice, curated by Silvia Levenson and Elena Povellato, it is dedicated to the Grandmothers of the "Plaza de Mayo "and their indomitable work to give an identity to the children of the disappeared, their grandchildren, torn by the Argentine dictatorship to their natural parents and illegally given up for adoption.

In the spaces of the Conterie - recovered museum function on the occasion of the last works of restoration of the museum - are on display from March 12 to 11 September 2016 sculptures, installations and photographs of great evocative value and emotional impact. These are jobs that, playing on the characteristics of glass - used cast, or mold or as industrial material - suggest the gap, but also the objective analysis of the issue addressed, that of identity torn.

"Even if the children of the disappeared are now adults, in my work I always speak of children",

the artist explains,

"Because it is in childhood that the trauma originated, when the military, replacing the democratic organs of Argentine society, they took the right if you leave alive or kill parents denying any family identity."

A painful affair, typically Argentine, but also personal for the artist, who has seen many family members and acquaintances directly involved in these events. The glass, which is essential to contain and store liquids and foods, but also to build lenses, is the indispensable raw material of the artist's work, which in his works works for the conservation of the "memory of the body." Banal everyday objects as small chairs, mats, swings and climbing shoes are associated with glass knives, barbed wire, nails, tacks.

Completing the exhibition is a site-specific high-impact: one hundred nineteen baby clothes colored molten glass recall the cases settled by the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, and that is, one hundred and nineteen children who were able to learn the names of their real parents, the circumstances of their birth and meet the biological family.

Entrance fee
Informazioni aggiuntive


The visit to the exhibition is included in the ticket of the Museum of Glass

  • Full 10 euro
  • Reduced 7,50 €

Free for citizens and residents in the Municipality of Venice

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