13 Sep 2016 Hour 11:30
Forte Marghera - Parco del Contemporaneo

He drinks presentation - Beer in Venice


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Aepe E20 presents drink - Beer in Venice, the biennial high-level creative beer, three days dedicated to craft beer in collaboration with Birra Nostra, the brand created by Officina events & communication for the promotion of quality Italian craft beer.

At the Restaurant The Hackberry Forte Marghera will be held the press conference to present the drink - Beer in Venice, from 16 to 18 September 2016 at Forte Marghera, in one of the recently renovated halls.

Speakers include:

Roberto Miracapillo | President Aepe E20
Gianni Gobbato | CEO Aepe E20
Luca Large | Curator of drink - Beer in Venice
Venice Municipal Administration representative

During the conference, it will present the event, breweries and food truck participants and the full program of meetings, cultural events, wine tastings, live music.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Where: in Forte Marghera, Via Forte Marghera 30 | 30173 Mestre (VE)

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