28 Oct 2016 Hour 19:00
Hotel Bauer

Sugarpie & Candymen

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Sugarpie & Candymen

Lara Ferrari: Item -Voice
Jacopo Dolphins: Guitar Gitana - Gipsy Guitar
Renato Podesta: Guitar - Guitar
Claudio Ottaviano: Bass - DoubleBass

The quintet is led by Miss Sugarpie, who in his glittering evening gown is accompanied by Candymen in an elegant and fascinating show, both in music and in the aesthetic aspects.

Miss Sugarpie, the band leader, likes two things: her shining dress and to sing and perform with Canymen. The show, a real show, is elegant and enchanting for two Reasons: music and aesthetic.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Supplement of € 9, 00 on the first drink minimum price.

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