The first university Model United Nations in Venice
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Venice International University organizes in collaboration with Università Ca' Foscari Venezia and the Venice Diplomatic Society (VDS), the first MUN – Model United Nations simulation for university students in Venice: a three-day meeting that simulates the United Nations work sessions.
Participation is free of charge and open, only through Application Form, to VDS members and university students of VIU, Ca’ Foscari and Padova with an interest in the United Nations working procedures.
The MUNs have certain common goals: providing a deeper understanding of multilateral diplomacy; strengthening negotiating and leadership skills; improving the ability to anticipate evolving scenarios of complex issues.
Participants are required to act like real UN delegates partaking in sessions of various UN committees.
In simulations lasting a few days, Delegates are called upon to debate about specific issues related to the domain of international relations ultimately producing a Resolution about the debated topic.
The Venice Universities MUN will take place at Venice International University premises with a focus on the current Syrian Crisis.
Details and Application form:
Application deadline: 4 April 2016
INFO: Venice Diplomatic Society,
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