11/02/2016 Ora 09:00
Hotel Ca' Sagredo

The Spaces of Culture


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Culture is increasingly asked to do more that it used to. While maintaining its classic aesthetic, pedagogical and civilizing roles it has been progressively mobilized by business and public policy as a driver of, among others, regeneration, competitiveness and innovation. The realm of the “cultural dimension” in contemporary societies has thus expanded accordingly. The international Symposium interrogates such extension with a tri-dimensional exploration of the spaces culture occupies. To foster the discussion three encounters between space and culture are identified: the designed spaces in which culture is exhibited as artistic and symbolic artefacts, focusing on museum studies; the physical space of cities and regions and their social and economic dynamics, focusing on creative industries; the conceptual space where culture and managerial disciplines merge into the multifaceted notion of cultural management.


9.00 Welcome addresses

  • Dr. Lorenza Lain, General Manager, Hotel Ca’ Sagredo
  • Dr. Luigi Brugnaro, Mayor of the City of Venice
  • Prof. Michele Bugliesi, Rector of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Prof. Gaetano Zilio-Grandi, Director of the Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

10.00 The Space of Culture 1: Museum Studies

  • Speaker: Christopher Whitehead, Newcastle University, School of Arts and Culture “The museum as a culture map”
  • Discussant: James Bradburne, Director of the Pinacoteca di Brera

11.30 The Space of Culture 2: Creative Regions

  • Speaker: Roberta Comunian, King’s College London, Culture, Media and Creative Industries, “Issues and contradictions between urban regeneration interventions and the development of local creative industries ”
  • Discussant: Patrick Bartos, CEO, Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria

14.30 The Space of Culture 3: Cultural Management

  • Speaker: Luca Zan, Department of Management, University of Bologna, “Managerial Rhetoric and Arts Organizations”
  • Discussant: Jane Thompson, Consiglio superiore dei beni culturali e paesaggistici

16.00 Concluding Panel:

Bruno Bernardi, Monica Calcagno, Francesco Casarin, Maria Lusiani, Fabrizio Panozzo, Michele Tamma, Università Ca’ Foscari | Laboratory for the Management of Arts and Culture

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