27/10/2018 Ora 15:30
Chiesa di San Moisè

Stanislav Šurin - Festival Internazionale di Venezia

L'Organo Strumento d'Europa


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Uno strumento simbolo di fratellanza e unione di persone, di idee, di luoghi e culture diversi, di pace, con il contributo di artisti che con la musica e in particolare con questo strumento straordinario sostengono questo pensiero

Stanislav Šurin | Organ


Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643)

  • Aria detto balletto
  • Canzon post il comune

Johann Caspar Kerll (1627-1693)

  • Battaglia

Juan Cabanilles (1644-1712)

  • Corrente italiana

Jan Pieterszon Sweelinck (1562-1621)

  • Variationen “Mein junges Leben hat ein End”

Samuel Markfelner (1621-1674)

  • Aliud (Praeambulum) et Fuga 6. Thoni

The Miscellaneous collection from Levoča

  • Slovakia (1660-1670), Jan Valach (transcription and selection)

Benedetto Marcello (1686-1736)

  • Adagio (transcription: J. S. Bach)

Domenico Zipoli (1688-1726)

  • Versi e Canzona in C
  • All´ Offertorio

Johann Philipp Krieger (1649-1725)

  • Toccata und Fuge in a

Stanislav Šurin studied organ at the State Conservatory in Bratislava, at the Diocesan Conservatory in Vienna and at the Academy of Music and Drama in Bratislava under Ivan Sokol and privately with Johann Trummer in Graz.

He participated in many broadcasted liturgical services (the inauguration of the Slovak presidents since 1989, the visit of Pope John Paul II etc).
As a soloist, he performed many times with the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra.

At the premiere performance of Janáček’s Glagolic Mass in Taiwan in 2000, he played the organ solo with the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan and has given organ recitals in many European states (Notre-Dame de Paris, The Cathedrals of Brussels, St. Gallen, Warsaw, Dresden, Regensburg, Zagreb, Torino, Graz etc.) in the USA, Mexico, Canada, Russia and Kazakhstan.

Stanislav Šurin recorded several organ solo CD´s (Graz Cathedral, Schubertkirche in Vienna, Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Trnava etc.). In 2000 he organized an international musicological conference focused on the protection of historical organs.

From 1999 to 2002 he was chief editor of Adoramus Te (a magazine dealing with sacred music), is founder and organizer of organ festivals in Trnava, Piešťany, Skalica and in the St. Martin Cathedral in Bratislava. In the years 2006 – 2008 acted as the Diocesan Musician for the Bratislava-Trnava Archdiocese.
He taught organ at the Catholic University in Ružomberok since 2002 to 2017. He acts as advisor for the restoration of historical organs and for the building of new instruments (Slovak Philharmonic, St. Martin Cathedral in Bratislava etc).

He also composes. He is the author of Trnava Mass (in 2016 published CD with Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra) and several compositions based on ecclesiastical and liturgical texts.
He composed music for a number of poems of Slovak and French poets. In 2011 the Society of St Adalbert published his book of songs and CD called Antiphons and Spiritual Songs. At the beginning of 2013 the Celebrity Service Agency published his album of songs based on Miroslav Valek’s poems and published under the name Lady on the Train.

For extraordinary contribution to the message of Johann Sebastian Bach’s work for contemporaries in 2009 he was awarded a Sebastian prize by the Ars Ante Portas association.
In 2016, he received the prize “Fra Angelico” of the Bishops’ Conference of Slovakia for contribution of Christian values to the art in Slovakia. 


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