Felipe Lopez - Festival Internazionale di Venezia
L'organo Strumento d'Europa
Ricordamelo con una mail
Uno strumento simbolo di fratellanza e unione di persone, di idee, di luoghi e culture diversi, di pace, con il contributo di artisti che con la musica e in particolare con questo strumento straordinario sostengono questo pensiero
Felipe Lopez | Organ
Música Veneciana del cinquecento
Andrea Gabrieli (1510-1586)
- Intonation
- Ricercare
- Canzona
Musica española del 1500
Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566)
- Diferencias sobre la Gallarda milanesa (Obras de música para tecla arpa y vihuela, 1555)
- Glosado “Un gay bergueir” (Canción de soldadesca)
- Diferencias sobre el “Canto del caballero” (Obras de música para tecla arpa y vihuela, 1555)
- “La dama le demanda” (Romance de “Obras de música para tecla arpa y vihuela” 1555)
Musica italiana del seicento
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
- Canzona terza (Secondo libro di toccate, canzone, versi…)
- Toccata nona
- Toccata per l’Elevazione (Fiori musicali)
- Canzona quarta
Musica española del 1600
José Jiménez (1600-1672)
- Batalla de sexto tono
Sebastián Aguilera de Heredia (1561-1627)
- Tiento de IV tono
Francisco Correa de Araujo (1584-1654)
- Tiento sobre la “Batalla de Morales”
Felipe Lopez
For the last two decades he has been fully dedicated to the world of musical interpretation as a soloist organist, as director of chamber ensembles (piano-clave), and as a collaborator in great symphonic orchestras.
He is the titular organist of the Royal Church of St. Ginés, and of the great Merklin organ of the Basilica and Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help since 1995, both from Madrid (Spain). He works as technical advisor for the Recovery Plan of Historical Organs of the Community of Madrid since 1998. Throughout his career as interpreter, he has participated in various musical forums such as the Cervantes Institute in Rome, Musikverein Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen (Germany), Organ cycle of Cataluña, Madrid Autumn Festival, Santander Festival and Festival of Sacred Art of Madrid; International Festival of Contemporain Music of Warsaw, Concerts for Young People of the Juan March Foundation, as well as in numerous cycles organized by Spanish “Radio Clásica”, among them, in the IV Cycle of Spanish Romantic Music for Organ, and Music for Organ of the XX Century (1999).
In 1984 he obtained the National Disco Award of the Ministry of Culture. He is author of several musical productions focused on the recovery of the Spanish nineteenth century repertoire, and he has participated in the re-release of twentieth century music by living authors, such as Luis de Pablo, Kaija Saariaho, Mauricio Sotelo, Helmut Lachemann, etc. He has recorded for EMI-Hispavox, RTVE-Música and DECCA labels, as well as numerous recordings for RNE-Radio Clásica, Televisión Española, Radio Berlín and Süddeutsche Rundfunk (SDR-1).
Born in Madrid, he graduated as Superior Professor in Musicology, Piano and Organ, at the Royal Superior Conservatory of Madrid and at the Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona, obtaining the Final Honor Awards in Piano and Organ at the end of his studies. He attends international interpreting courses with masters André Isoir, Lionell Rogg and Marie-Claire Alain, in Paris. At the same time he is taking courses with Jacques Ogg and Keneth Gilbert.
Between 1989 and 1994 he lived in Germany doing advanced studies with Ludger Lohmann and Jon Laukvik, in Organ, and Chamber Music, Improvisation and Orchestra Conducting, at the Musikhochschule in Stuttgart.
Between 1992 and 1994, he worked as Organist at the Evangelische Johanneskirche in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen (Germany).
He usually performs in Germany, France, Italy, Poland, etc. In addition to his dedication as a soloist, he is director of the ensemble Anima Mvsica Consort.
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