Concerto dell'Ensemble di sax del Conservatorio
con Irene Fernández Mena
Ricordamelo con una mail
Venerdì 24 maggio 2024, ore 16:00 - Sala Concerti
Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento posti disponibili
Doina Rotaru, legend II
Shulamit Ran, East Wind
Jenni Brandon, Wood song
Prof.ssa Irene Fernández Mena, sax
Richard Rodgers, My favourite things
Prof. Marco Vanni, sax
Antonio Vivaldi, Violin concero in A min RV 356, I movimento
Antonio Vivaldi, Concerto per due violini RV 522, II movimento
Ensemble di sax
Luca Boscolo, sax soprano
Veronica Conte e Cheng Chaowei, sax alto
Yang Tianci, sax tenore
Samuele Molinari, sax baritono
Prof. Marco Vanni, sax soprano
Prof.ssa Irene Fernández Mena, sax solista
La Prof.ssa Irene Fernández Mena proviene dal Conservatorio Superior de Mùsica ”Manuel Castillo” Sevilla
Masterclass Erasmus riservata agli studenti e alle studentesse regolarmente iscritti al Conservatorio di Venezia
Irene Fernández Mena is a versatile artist in the musical world.
From an early age, she has shown great passion for music, with an open mind, always willing to explore different styles and areas within the world of saxophone.
In the teaching field, since 2018, Irene has worked as a saxophone professor at the 'Manuel Castillo' Superior Conservatory of Music in Seville.
In her classroom, she promotes the need to adapt teaching to the individual characteristics of each student, seeking and promoting personal growth.
Previously, she taught at different professional music conservatories in Spain and as a baritone saxophone soloist in the Jaén Municipal Band.
Invited to offer improvement classes in different conservatories, high-performance music academies, nationally and internationally, and as a speaker on different musical facets related to the saxophone.
Involved in expanding the repertoire, she has numerous musical arrangements and transcriptions to her credit, which explore the artistic expression of each group, whether ensemble, saxophone quartet, or saxophone and electroacoustic.
Her ability to encompass a wide range of musical projects is a testament to her versatility and ability to excel in any musical context in which she finds herself.
Her different projects have led her to perform in important concerts at a national and international level, either as a soloist or as a component of different groups. Her love for music and positive attitude make her an inspiring figure in the musical field.
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