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BODIES+CITIES SKIN, International Art and Architecture Festival of architecture, video art, painting, photography, installation and performance art will be hosted in Venice, at Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi and Venice Art House, from May 28 to July 28, 2016.
BODIES+CITIES SKIN, the first appointment of BORDERS, International Art and Architecture Festival, that will be hosted in Venice, at Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi and Venice Art House Gallery, from May 28 to July 28, 2016, during the same period of the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale.
During the event we will give audience the possibility to have private meetings with architects, artists and designers, to meet them personally and share their art and experience. Each event will have a strong program of video art screenings and premiers, art residencies, talks, workshops, live dj set, live experimental dance and art performances.
BODIES+CITIES SKIN – Human kind wants to wear his city like a second skin without borders or limits. City’s body is in constant evolution. It changes its skin and shows a renewed body. This mutation follows the direction of human being development and it is a clear and true statement of cities changing time. From borders as individual bodies and souls to boundaries of cities in which we live, each line delimitates a surface and could be the starting point to something new, undiscovered. Limits are everywhere, barriers keep us inside or outside spaces and societies. Their passing creates a crossover of identities and urban environment. The way we move, we relate to anything, to the world make us go beyond boundaries.
organizers: It’s LIQUID Group & International ArtExpo
partners: Ca’ Zanardi, Venice Art House
curators: Luca Curci, Andrea Chinellato
project coordinator: Carmela Loiacono, Domenico Fallacara
graphic designer: Domenico Fallacara
collaborators: María Bermúdez Ramírez, Veronica Comisso, Chiara Colussi, Giorgio Dariol, Agnese Prendin
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Orari e date
Chiuso Mar
11:00-18:00 Mer
11:00-18:00 Gio
11:00-18:00 Ven
11:00-18:00 Sab
11:00-18:00 Dom
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