Leaked Prints
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Leaked Prints
The Scuola Gallery is pleased to present prints and works on paper by current artist in residence Mira O’Brien.
Headlines announcing leaked albums, data, papers, etc… ask us to imagine content as contained liquid vulnerable to leaks, spills and breaches. Such leaks are therefore inevitable, as no system is fully resistant to the insidiousness of a constant trickle or a changing tide. Rigidity is subject to corrosion and solid forms are unstable in this fluid circumstance.
Leaked Prints reveals a process that embraces chance within an entropic system. Contrary to the traditional aim of printmaking to produce multiples, these monotypes cannot be duplicated. Traces of linear forms swim through a murky watercolor architecture, whose geometric forms are embossed and degraded through a process that cannot be reversed.
Mira O'Brien (b. 1982) is an American artist based in Berlin. Through an interdisciplinary practice focused on painting, installation and performance, she explores the way we perceive and interact with our built-environment. She received her BA from UCLA (2004) and her MFA from Yale (2008). Her work has been exhibited internationally and is currently on view at Die Diele (Zürich), LOKAL 14 (Zürich), CCA Andratx Kunsthalle (Mallorca) and DD55 (Cologne). Her residency at the Scuola is supported by the Artist Pension Trust. She is the founder and instructor of the Berlin Drawing Room
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