04/03/2016 Ora 21:30


Basstard Release Party + opening act ANDREA FOX VOLPATO live acoustic

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21.30 apertura Flat
22.00 Andrea Fox Volpato
23.00 FroggysFogFluid
00.00 Djset: Mela

FroggysFogFluid was born in 2009 from an idea of Stefano Busato and Andrea Cazzin, then Mauro Mazzon joins the band. For three years they don't found a stable drummer, until in the Autumn of 2012 they met Alessio Tronchin. After a short time Andrea Zorzi become the singer of F3, and in June 2013 debut live at "FLESTIVAL 2013" in Roncade playing with two guitars, one bass guitars and drums.
After this show Andrea Zorzi and Stefano Busato left F3, a few time later Roberto Mazzon becomes the new frontman. In March 2014 they playing with one guitar, one bass guitar and drums for "Fleap Out Vol. 1" in Meolo.
After this live performance Mauro Mazzon and Roberto Mazzon left FroggysFogFluid, so they decided to try playing with 2 bass guitar and drums. Eura Tudini takes up again his instrument after 3 years, the result was a sound very powerful!
Who will be the new lead singer of FroggysFogFluid? How long this will last line-up?
During the 2015 F3 played on various stages of Treviso, Venezia and Padova. After several discussions, they contacted Nicola Manzan to record their first album, the recordings began in September at Cheap Studio.
March 4, 2016 FroggysFogFluid released their first album, Basstard.

Andrea Fox Volpato
Andrea, attivo nella scena musicale da una decina di anni, batterista di AUTUMN'S RAIN e Love in Elevator, si è dedicato a un piccolo tour di concerti che lo vedono protagonista nel presentare i suoi pezzi inediti in una chiave completamente acustica.

Concerto organizzato in collaborazione con FOX Music Network

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