New Year, a tour of bacari
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Tired of the usual New Year's Eve?
Veneziaeventi organizes NEW YEAR of a very special bacari Tour, unique and fun experience in Venice!
An alternative and carefree way to spend the last day of the year in Venice in the company of so many nice people, walking through the streets and squares and wine tasting cichetti shadows!
The tour will end at midnight after the toast and cake in a Bàcaro behind San Marco and you can continue the festivities in autonomy!
The tour cost is € 60 per person and includes:
- Baccarando kit with the map to go to bacari
- Free entrance to the Venice Casino
- Postcard Venice
- No. 5 tastings of cichetti and 5 shadows
- Brindisi and slice of cake at midnight
- A member of our staff who accompanies you
Duration: 20:30 until 24:00
The tour has a limited number, p preclude limited and by reservation
For more details and information: or Mob. 3474447717 Mary Botter
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