18 Sep 2016 Hour 10:30
Mercatino dei Granai

Granaries market

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BACK TO THE MARKET OF BARNS appointment with shopping, entertainment, fashion and crafts.

- 30 artisans / artists of jewelry, women's clothing, men's / women's accessories, home accessories, kitchen vintage, and more ..
- 15 NEW ARTISANS premiered at Market of Granai, 21 new exhibitors from the previous edition.
- Food and wine stands with tasting and sale of local products and not
- Outdoor sofas area with views of Piazza San Marco
- Hostaria del vecio Aperol Spritz boat with live music concert

Opening at 10:30 and closing at 20:00

Informazioni aggiuntive

Sunday, September 18 from 10:30 to 20:00 at the Old Granaries of the Republic (Hotel Cipriani)


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