From 15 Jul 2016 to 17 Jul 2016
Centro Sportivo di Favaro Veneto

Feast of the Redeemer in Favaro Veneto

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Friday, July 15

- 16:00: 1st Football Tournament "Redeemer" - end at 18.30
- 18:30: Threshing (Az. Agricola Carraro)
- 20:00: Opening buffet of typical dishes of the Redeemer
- 21:30: Max Concerto Plant, tribute to Renato Zero, Sugar, Vasco Rossi

inflatable games

Saturday, July 16

- 18:30: Threshing (Az. Agricola Carraro)
- 20:00: Opening buffet of typical dishes of the Redeemer
- 21:30: Live Concert "Listen" tribute to Pooh - free admission
- 23:30: Fireworks and watermelon for all

inflatable games

Sunday, July 17

- 16:30: Family Color
- 18:30: Threshing (Az. Agricola Carraro)
to follow: ColorMob event with DJ sets and vocalist

Zumba for adults and children, inflatable games,
Carriage rides

Informazioni aggiuntive

free entry

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