26 Feb 2017 Hour 12:00
Piazza San Marco

The Eagle flight


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Also for the 2017 edition of the Carnival, the flight show or, rather, the "svolo" Eagle is replicated with another spectacular flight from the bell tower of San Marco to the stage. A few days before the event Marco Maccapani reveal the name of the character who will play the Eagle in 2017.

The protagonist chosen in 2016 for the Flight of the Eagle was Saturnino Celani (known Italian bassist) enriches this project of new content and ideas, however confirming the validity of the choice made years ago in setting up this second descent from the Bell Tower which has seen a succession in the years Fabrizia D'Ottavio, Francesca Piccinini, Carolina Kostner and in 2015 the talented Giusy Versace.

Saturnino descend wearing a suit specially made by 'Atelier Pietro Longhi Francesco Briggi.


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