Cats of Venice
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Venice is the ideal city for a cat: has the shape of a fish, many alleys to hide and a thousand windows where lounging lazily in the sun. And then there is danger that it overwhelms the asphalt car careless when it comes out for a stroll with friends. Venice loves cats, but it is not always so. To find out, you have to browse the Librone of Time, one in which they marked the most ancient legends of the world. And 'a strange book, virtually unobtainable except in some dusty market, buried by other more well-known and young volumes. Who had this extraordinary luck knows why the cat from the cute little face is so popular in the lagoon calluses.
Will you come to know the cats of Venice and brushes that drew them?
We wait with Mary by Ohana Mariano!
Recommended age: from 4 years.
Free admission by reservation: 0414760642, 3470819588,
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