Venice at the time of the dumb
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We are pleased to propose a true cinematic event, the first episode of the silent film The Bridge of Sighs in Venice, filmed in 1921.
The film was composed of four episodes, for a total length of 6,851 meters. The first episode of this evening is the Lion's Mouth: Each of the episodes constituted, by itself, the program projection for a period room.
Distributed in the Netherlands after a considerable hype; distributed in the Soviet Union and, in February 1924, in Portugal.
The film, which was made a sound version in the early thirties, in 1925 he finished fifth in popularity and, according to Vittorio Martinelli, can be considered the "most successful films of the twenties in Italy." He had some problems with the censors, who demanded the removal of a series of shots considered licentious. Tonight Daniel Castro at the piano will accompany us with his notes for a Venice to us apathetic mysterious. From one hour before it will be possible, by purchasing a book from our publishing house. El squero (€ 7) free access to the movie.
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