"Under whose turn" by Luigi Orengo
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A question of inheritance is the engine of this comedy of Louis Orengo, who entered the repertoire of Gilberto Govi around 1930. The protagonists are three brothers from genovesissimo surname Pittaluga gods, whose uncle, who died in Buenos Aires, has left a large fortune that but it's up to the one between the grandchildren who have or will have first a male child.
Among the possible heirs rages competition: Bartolomeo (played by Govi) has no children and has also been betrayed and abandoned years before by his wife, Emanuele was an old bachelor with the sole passion for Giuseppe Garibaldi and the youngest, Gaetano, is to become a priest. Each is more than willing to distort and sacrifice on the altar of this money rained from the sky life-story, old habits and ideals rooted but the events (and, let's face it, even the righteousness) of life will lead to a paradoxical twist in favor of the most disadvantaged in the inheritance run.
Television Directed by Vittorio Brignole Gilberto Govi, Enrico Ardizzone and Anna Bolens, 1959
Free admission on reservation
Phone: 041 27 59 325
email: segreteria.casagoldoni@fmcvenezia.it
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