05 Feb 2017 Hour 16:00
Teatro Stabile del Veneto Carlo Goldoni

There was 2 times 1 heart

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Production: Tib Teatro
Intrepreti: Susanna Cro and Labros Mangheras
Narrator: Maria Sole Barito
Directing and dramaturgy: Daniela Nicosia

intensely poetic, the Les amoureux illustrations (Lovers) by Raymond Peynet, have been the source of inspiration for this show dedicated to children. A visual drama that moves from those minor images, and composes stage a surreal universe, characterized by tenderness and trust in love. In scene two tender characters wait with confidence. Enchant us with small spells, hold music, while suspended from a window we look out, always waiting for the beauty that will be.

Suitable for ages 3 - 8 years

Informazioni aggiuntive


Assigned Seating € 6,00 place
The tickets of the shows of the festival Family Sundays can be purchased at the ticket office of the Goldoni Theatre from October 28. E 'can also purchase online at www.teatrostabileveneto.it

Hours of Ticket:
Monday to Saturday 10:00 to 13:00 15:00 to 6:30 p.m.

The day of the show ticket office opens one hour before the start

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E.g., 10/11/2024

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