Theatre Accadueò | workshop | The angle of Barter
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Awai reopen the garden for a day full of appointments
Thursday 8 September:
- 16:00, bartering with Corner Barter
- 19:00, meeting with WORKSHOP *
- 21:00 to Accadueò theater Not Drinking with the show The Fourth Unit
The angle of Barter
Opportunity to exchange what you do not use with the one you like, bring clothes clean and in good condition.
WORKSHOP * talks about Project Participated
What role does the project in the construction of a community? And that assumes the role of communities in the definition of a project? These are some of the questions that arises Ranked # 15 of WORKSHOP *, gathering experience and contributions from Italy and the world on a theme, that of the part project of great relevance today.
The Fourth Accadueò Unit Not Drinking
In a futuristic society in which every aspect of human life has been privatized and monetized, Franz and Stan are two receptionists Company: sell to customers subscriptions to perceive odors, see the irony, see the stars.
But someone on the other end of the phone, is not willing to pay to meet their own needs.
Stan, in an attempt to convince him, falls in love with his voice.
It is precisely this consumer to crack, with his unwavering consistency, the increasing pace of job competition.
The only solution to escape the logic of this world is an extreme paradox.
Event reserved for members
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