Shakespeare was English?
SCREEN OF AUTHOR. meetings with directors
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Shakespeare was English? (Was Shakespeare Inglese? 2015, 97 ')
Alicia Maksimova
Shakespeare was English?
A charming documentary journey in search of the real William Shakespeare. The British director of Russian origin Alicia Maksimova takes us on a fascinating journey from the Strait of Messina in Venice and Verona, with a stop in England, before moving to Sicily and the Aeolian Islands, keeping the audience in suspense from beginning to end. Find out who really was the great playwright, and who was not ...
Four hundred years after the playwright's death, the documentary film tries to bring out
that the knowledge of places, people, idioms and slang dialect recurring in many of his works would hardly have been the property of a resident of UK.
The director takes up and supports the argument that Shakespeare was born in Messina and has lived in Sicily, Veneto and Lombardy. One of the many mysteries that still linger on the life and identity of the great writer.
fourth floor conference room
free admission
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