Romeo and Juliet Love is mountebank - Teatro Stabile del Veneto
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Production: Stivalaccio Theatre
With: Anna De Franceschi
Michael Mori, Marco Zoppello
Subject Original: Marco Zoppello
Costumes: Antonia Munaretti
Set Design: Alberto Nonnato
Masks: Roberto Maria Macchi
Duels: Giorgio Sgaravatto
Consulting Music: Veronica Channel
Director: Marco Zoppello
A rousing New Year according to the best comedy of art. The story takes us back in Venice in 1574 where two unlikely acrobats are commissioned to stage the greatest love story of all time: Romeo and Juliet. Michael Mori, Marco Zoppello and Anna De Franceschi reread the classic Shakespearean with their irreverent style and easy-going, involving the public in a fun mix of textures, dialects, improvisation, pantomime and duels. A comical machine that knows how to make a contemporary timeless tradition.
Girolamo Salimbeni and Julius Pasquati, survived the Inquisition, just fold the honorable profession of mountebank ... but finally arrives, unexpectedly, the opportunity to redeem himself. Acting for Henry III, the future King of France, no less than the biggest and most tragic love story of all time: Romeo and Juliet.
And here appear in the campiello Veronica Franco, "honorata courtesan" of the Republic, willing to try their hand in the unlikely part dell'illibata girl. So there has been "open trial", where laceleberrima history of Bardo takes shape and is deformed in the mix of textures, dialects, songs, improvisation, sounds, duels and pantomime.
- 31 December 2016 21:00
- January 1, 2017 17:00
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