20 Jan 2017 Hour 20:30
Teatro Stabile del Veneto Carlo Goldoni

Romeo and Juliet

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Production: Company Junior Ballet of Tuscany
Choreography: Davide Bombana

The Company Junior Ballet di Toscana presents a new version of Romeo and Juliet signed by Davide Bombana music by Sergei Prokofiev. Rewriting a passionate, dramatic and compelling, carrying the story of two star-crossed lovers from Verona to Sarajevo, a land of harsh social and cultural conflicts. On stage there is the contrast between two antithetical visions of society, of politics, of religion, who enter on a collision course, and in their madness overwhelm any sense of humanity.

Informazioni aggiuntive


Stalls: 25,00 15,00
1st order: 20,00 15,00
2nd order: 20,00 15,00
3rd order: 18,00 15,00
4th order: 18,00 15,00

(Reduced price: less than 26 years - Students dance schools - subscribers 2016/2017 season)

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