25 Dec 2016 Hour 19:30
Spazio Aereo

Power Christmas Sunday Jam +

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- 19:30 Opening
- 20:00 Comedy show "The opposite of an idea"
- 21:30 Ettore Martin Organ Time Big Band
- 23:00 Jam Session

What brings the Power Acoustic Sunday under the tree? But of course, a big band. Yet nice powerful: namely the Organ Time Big Band directed by Hector Martin, peppered with star players of the Veneto jazz and not only!

In all this grandeur will be counterbalanced by the minimalism of "The opposite of an idea", with the paradoxical stories of Graziano Hammer and Philip Fossa made of wit and irony anda velvety splash down in accompaniment.

Aspettevi then surprises for the palate and a jam clearly gargantuan, to close at best another year of Space Sundays!

The Organ Time Big Band is a formation with 8 horns and a rhythm section formed by organ and drums, orchestral widening the Organ Time Trio (Ettore Martin on tenor sax, Giulio Campagnolo organ and Enzo Carpentieri on drums), the group very active in recent years in the
Triveneto but not only.

The proven repertoire of the trio, consisting of standards and original compositions along with Coltrane, Davis, Mingus and others, has been rearranged for little big band, thus giving new strength to the group and enhancing the variety ritimca and timbre
the musical proposal.

Valued the contribution of young but already established musicians in the Veneto as Antonio Gallucci on tenor and soprano, Sergio Gonzo on trumpet and trombone Luca Moresco.

Hector Martin: tenor sax
Giulio Campagnolo: organ
Enzo Carpentieri: drums
Sergio Gonzo: trumpet & flugelhorn
Maximum Fracasso: trumpet & flugelhorn
Luca Moresco: trombone
Giuliano Ongaro: trombone
Alessandro Alba: alto sax
Antonio Gallucci: soprano & tenor sax
Francesco Todeschini: baritone sax

Saxophonist, composer and arranger Vicenza, playing jazz professionally for over fifteen years and has made more than 30 recordings, including 6 in his name.
In 1999 and in 2016 he won the International Competition for Arrangement and Composition for Jazz Orchestra di Barga (LU) where he was a finalist from 2010 to 2014. In 2006 and in 2014 was also a finalist in the competition 'Writing in Jazz' of Sassari.
As a soloist he has turned a bit 'all over the world (Vancouver, Melbourne, Vienna, Krakow, Prague, Sofia, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Samarkand ..) and with quartet of pianist Trieste
Roberto Magris you with your project SENZAPAROLE (Abeat, 2005) dedicated to Italian songwriters with jazz quartet + string quartet.
As an arranger, conductor and
solo has worked for years with numerous Big Band of the northeast including the Jazz Orchestra of Veneto, directed by Maurizio Camardi, which boasts prestigious collaborations with Paolo Fresu, Fabrizio Bosso and Peter Tonolo and a recent successful concert at the Jazz Festival in Minsk Belarus in June this year.

written and performed by Graziano Hammer and Philip Fossa

What 'the opposite of an idea? A simple thought? A light bulb goes off? Reality'? A temporary lack of inspiration?

The opposite of an idea is a short music and theater show, a string of stories and images that come to life by a voice, accompanied only by a bass guitar.
Ranging from gag to poetry, from the surreal to the brilliant, tell the dog Poldo and his mistress, Firecracker tree or two-dimensional worlds.

Graziano Hammer lives in Padua, where he studies and plays jazz and performed as a bassist with numerous formations. He writes music, but at the same time put, brilliant stories, imaginative pieces.
Philip Fossa lives in Treviso, plays and writes for various theater companies including Veneto, Trentino and Tuscany.

Production: Cultural Association Airspace

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