04 Nov 2016 Hour 17:30
Teatro Stabile del Veneto Carlo Goldoni

Philippe Daverio "MOTHER OF ART VENICE ancient and modern looks: Instructions for Use"

The dialogues of Giancarlo Ligabue Foundation

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If it is true that painting is the greatest testimony of the identity of our history, as you have read the Venetian?

Looks towards the Serenissima "art matrix" have changed over time and modernity seems to have confused the language with which the artistic development is perceived and reported. They serve so modern operating instructions.
The Foundation Giancarlo Ligabue offers a new meeting in the series of "Dialogues", this time at the Teatro Goldoni, with Professor Philippe Daverio.
The famous art critic, with the Ligabue Magazine director, Adriano Favaro, provide an opportunity to re-do with downcast eyes the history and actuality of Venetian painting; and Veneto.
That painting that bears the names Carpaccio, Giorgione, Mantegna, Titian, Tintoretto, Tiepolo, Canaletto; that passes between the many who call "minor" - as Girolamo da Treviso or Jacobello Fiore - and that comes to contemporary such as Music, Tancredi, Vedova, or Carlo Scarpa.
How does (and as seen today) in Italy in Venice today that generated the beauty will be the path of the discussion with Professor Daverio. Question about the identity of a city overrun by millions of tourists, used to expose the art of modernity, but also clogged by problems and controversy, is perhaps the way to find a new language and try to return - in the XXI century - the beauty the Venetian Republic to its citizens.

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