"Patience, patience. T'Iras Au Paradis!"
of Hadja Lahbib
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Screening of films Hadja Lahbib
"Patience, patience. T'Iras Au Paradis!"
Distributed by ZaLab
Before the screening:
- Let's talk about women and migration in our territory:
Rosanna Marcato
(Expert reception, protection and integration of migrants)
Ndack Mbaye
(Student of Senegalese origin law and activist)
Afterwards, 20:30:
- Pizza in support of solidarity projects of the Social Centre.
To book write a msg to 3471485870
"Patience, patience. T'Iras Au Paradis!"
"In the sixties, thousands of Maghreb left to Belgium to work. Among them, the women who one day have left everything to follow her man in a strange land." Patience, patience. T'iras au paradis! "(" Porta patience and go to heaven!) is the repeated refrain of a thousand times to help these women to endure their lives without ever complain. 50 years later, are the taste and curiosity for the emancipation move them. these women are incredibly joyful rediscover, capable of deep un'autoironia and absolutely uninhibited. This film accompanies them in their many discoveries, with the simplicity of their ballads, the warmth of their femininity and their humor ... "
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