One Thousand and One Nights
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"One Thousand and One Nights" - a short trip on the river of stories, by and with Antonio Panzuto.
Directed by Alessandro Tognon
Part of the props will be made by the children of the school of Mestre S. JOACHIM during the scenic design workshop in collaboration with the Fab Lab Venice.
"The stories have two great powers: they can change men and can live forever."
THE ARABIAN NIGHTS is a great river of stories, flowing one after the other and often one inside the other, in a calm and continuous flow. The fantastic born from everyday life, the wonder and normality intertwine until dissolve in each other and the magic of transformation becomes the engine secret and invisible essence of things.
The scene is a large dune of the desert, which can become the sea or the Arab city that the Caliph Harun Ar Rashid, at night incognito, he wants to go and find out. With simple scenic elements (wood, leaves, small bamboo, ropes, lamps, iron or plaster figures
painting) integrated with the creations workshop children of S. JOACHIM school of Mestre (over the scenic design workshop with digital manufacturing), and suggests recreating environments, nights, days, seasons, climates, contexts in which the stories develop.
Two small theaters close the scene. In one, Scheherazade, an Indian original puppet, begins and ends the stories, that their hearts are developed on the stage, through the actions, suggestionate and enriched with sounds that are inspired by the Arab and Eastern traditions.
The other theater becomes, in turn, the sultan's palace, an arena of fights and duels, a prison, a cave.
For the first time, on the occasion of the Venice Carnival 2017, the show will be enriched by scenic elements developed in the course of a spectacular design laboratory through digital manufacturing, the result of collaboration between Antonio Panzuto and Fab Lab Venice.
The workshop, a collaborative effort between Vela Spa and Development Department of the City Promotion and Protection of Traditions, want to approach the world of integration between tradition and new means of digital manufacturing, through the mediation of the design of scenery for the theater, and involves the Scenes classes a, B and C of S. JOACHIM school of Mestre, Maestra Giulia Bellato.
place objects actions, ANTONIO Panzuto
narrator, MARIAGRAZIA Mandruzzato
lights, PAUL CHICKEN Rodighiero
sounds and direction, ALESSANDRO TOGNON
Stage technician, Gianugo FABRIS
Recommended ages 6
Free admission until seats are available without reservation.
CULTURAL CENTER CANDIANI, Auditorium fourth floor
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