From 18 May 2016 to 21 Dec 2016
Palazzo Marin

The merchant of Venice

Entertainment in the original language


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DIRECTOR Suleiman Pontarollo
MUSIC Beatrice Zuin, voice
ANDREA DE MANINCOR adaptation texts


Suleiman Pontarollo SHYLOCK
Andrea de Manincor ANTONIO
Francesco Martucci BASSANIO
Giulia Bisinella PORTIA

Money for love against revenge for revenge! Antonio for Bassanio, Portia to Bassanio, Portia against Shylock: can the Jew, demanding a pound of flesh from The Merchant of Venice?

A noble palace in the heart of San Marco, the welcome of the spectators in the courtyard and then enter the elegant rooms that tell the story of the building: The Exhibition Isabella, The Tapestry Room, the room of Putti to get to the job in the room fireplace overlooking the Channel of the Teatro la Fenice.


Salon Isabella: Bassanio, in love with Portia asks Antonio, The Merchant of Venice, 3000 ducats to woo his beloved.


Tapestry Room: Bassanio, with luck invested in three ships already en route, asks a loan hated Shylock jew granting him to 'a pound of his flesh pledge'.


Putti room: Bassanio to the casket test chooses well and marries Portia. This gives him a ring.


Fireplace Room: Shylock Antonio brings Tribunal for the loan is not returned and claims 'the pound of flesh'.
Portia disguised as a lawyer save Antonio, Shylock is condemned to exile, he puts to the test Bassanio and eventually unmasks for a happy ending.

Informazioni aggiuntive

At the end of the show, toast with the actors and kosher food and wine tastings of "Restaurant Ghimel" Campo del Ghetto Nuovo, Venice.

Welcome spectators in the yard / hall.

Tickets: € 45


Entertainment in orginale language

CONTACTS T. +393386144512

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E.g., 18/02/2025

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