From 19 Oct 2016 to 21 Oct 2016
Teatro Stabile del Veneto Carlo Goldoni

The merchant of Venice

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In Venice, the epicenter of consumption, speculation and debt, Bassanio borrows money from His friend Antonio to finance His attempt to win the hand of Portia, a wealthy heiress. Antonio, in turn, takes out a loan from the moneylender Shylock. The loan will be repaid When Antonio's ships return to the city. But if they Should fail, and the money can not be repaid, Antonio Shall give to Shylock a pound of His Own flesh. And they do fail. And Shylock will have His 'bond'.

Author: William Shakespeare
Director: Jonathan Munby
With: Jonathan Pryce
and Stefan Adegbola, Andy Apollo, Raj Bajaj, Jolyon Coy, Dan Fredenburgh, Michael Hadley, Colin Haig, John Hastings, Chrsitopher Logan, Dominic Mafham, Brian Martin, Dorothea Myer-Bennett, Rachel Pikup, Phoebe Pryce, Giles Terrera, Meghan Tyler

Informazioni aggiuntive

19 October 2016 20:30
20 October 2016 16:00
21 October 2016 20:30

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