A memory of Antonio Marzari
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Antonio Marzari was born in Venice in 1916. He participated in the activity of the young Cineguf. He attended later in Rome the Experimental Centre of Cinematography becoming "cinematographer" and twenty-four debuting in the movie "It 'LANDED A SAILOR" (1940) by Piero Ballerini. After the war he chose the way of the documentary, continuing to collaborate with Francesco Pasinetti and signing, with Salvatore Dano, a "TORCELLO" secure pasinettiana inspiration. E 'became the correspondent of the newsreel "WEEK INCOM", working as a freelance for foreign productions ( "THE SONG OF VENICE", 1954) but also Carousels (Vidal 1958).
Disappearing in 1998, he left unfinished a documentary on the construction site of the Teatro Verde island of San Giorgio, whose unassembled material was recently rediscovered by Carlo Montanaro and digitized with the help of CINETECA FRIULI.
It will be Montanaro to present in the House of Cinema a memory of Antonio Marzari, with the participation of Leopoldo Pietragnoli and vision of some of his works, including the premiere viewing, copying work on the Green Theatre. It closes the event the re-proposal of "Fondola THE DEVIL" produced by Scalera in 1946 directed by Carlo Campogalliani, the latest film signed, for the lights, by Antonio Marzari.
1947 - TORCELLO Marzari of Antonio and Salvatore Dano 10 '
1950 - THE ACADEMY OF SERENISSIMA directed by Renato Salvadori and produced by Scalera Film in 1950 15 '
1958 - a carousel for VIDAL 2 '24 "
1964 - THE VENICE GONDOLIERI Virgil Boccardi 16 '
Ca 1953 - ABSOLUTE PREVIEW copy work: the construction site of the Green Theatre in San Giorgio - 15 '
1946 - LA GONDOLA DEVIL Carlo Campogalliani - with Erminio Spalla, Carlo Lombardi, Loredana Padoan, alfredo varelli, Flora Mannino - 84 '
Admission: free admission while seats
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