From 10 Feb 2017 to 23 Feb 2017
Teatro Malibran

Francesco Cilea: GINA

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Gina ⎮ Arianna Venditelli
Giulio ⎮ Alessandro Scotto di Luzio
Uberto ⎮ Armando Gabba
Lilac ⎮ Valeria Girardello
Flamberge⎮ Claudio Levantine

Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro La Fenice
Chorus Master ⎮ Claudio Marino Moretti

new production Fondazione Teatro La Fenice

in collaboration with set design school of the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice
Atelier project of the Phoenix at the Malibran

with surtitles in Italian and English

Promises of marriage, trade in person, solidarity between comrades, a lost ring and found. Gina, debut work of Francesco Cilea, composed as a final essay at the conclusion of his studies in composition, is a delicate bourgeois comedy, more nouveau realist, which already echoes 'in a nutshell' the melodic and harmonic insights that will gather in 'Adriana Lecouvreur and in L'Arlesienne. Daughter of his time but, as often happens, the forerunner of the future

Informazioni aggiuntive

Friday, February 10, 2017, at 19 (Series A)
Sunday, February 12, 2017, 15:30 (Series B)
Saturday, February 18, 2017, 15:30 (Round C)
Tuesday, February 21, 2017, at 19 (Round D)
Thursday, February 23, 2017, at 19 (Round E)

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