28 Feb 2017 Hour 15:30
Palazzo Flangini

FAMILY CARNIVAL - Grand Merenda Danzante


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FAMILY CARNIVAL is the program of events for Palazzo Flangini families, on the Grand Canal for Mardi Gras.

The event of the afternoon:
GRAND BALLROOM SNACK - Carnival party for children
dance show, great masked ball and snack with hot chocolate and Venetian pastries


Opening: 15:30
Entertainment: 16.00 (to follow, dance and snack)

Limited seating, mandatory advance. The ticket includes n. 1 input show and no. 1 voucher for a snack.
Also available pre-sales for dinner on the ground floor of the building.

not mandatory masks. Possibility of face painting before and after the show.
Event organized in collaboration with Cultural Valorizzazioni, Palazzo Flangini and a.sd Esseredanza.
Participating families will receive free gifts and gadgets from sponsors and Mielizia Conticelli Bottega.

Informazioni aggiuntive

For info write to booking@kidpass.it or call 324 8663722

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E.g., 19/02/2025

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