28 Sep 2016 Hour 20:45
Patronato dei Frari

During Young BAL FOLK

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Wednesday, September 28 begins:

We learn having fun and dance in joy the most beautiful folk dances from around the world, Breton, Balkan, Irish, Russian, Israeli, in the traditional neo.

The course is open to all university and the young dancers, and it is also thought for those approaching for the first time to the folk world.

We thank the patronage of the Frari in Venice for your cooperation.

Informazioni aggiuntive

The course will be held every Wednesday at 20:45 at THEATRE OF PATRONAGE OF FRARI of Venice (San Polo, Calle behind the Archive 2464 / Q)

The course is free and is organized and run by enthusiasts of folk dance that live in Venice, so happily volunteer and free.
Every person who comes to the course is invited to bring a small donation for the great room equipped hosting the course. 2 EURO are fine (less than a spritz).

If you want more information
Go directly to the course to see what we do which is always the best thing.
Or write to: veneziadinotte@gmail.com (to attend the course does not need to register, just come)

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E.g., 07/02/2025

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