28 Jul 2016 Hour 21:30
Centro Culturale Kolbe

affective education

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DOCUMENTARY - 2016, 50 minutes
DIRECTOR Federico Bondi and Clement Bicocchi
Digital - in the Italian version

As the personality of a child of ten years, this film is made of fantastic associations, of infinite lightness, pure beauty, darkest fears and unanswered questions.

These are the last days of school a fifth grade. The detachment is imminent. The whole class wonders what will happen next. Among the many emotions that overlap at this time emerges the fear of the future. Especially in Giulia, a beloved child by all and that always takes refuge in a fantasy world, full of suggestions. His emotions, along with those of his companions, flowing in the life of the class, telling the mysterious universe and pure who is no longer a child but not yet a teenager. Hike the boys see Cinema Paradiso and it is a revelation. From now on, everything becomes material for a film about a class with his two masters: young people and adults live together, day after day, the moments of an inevitable step, full of joys, fears and sufferings, which projects towards children a new world full of unfamiliar experiences.


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