26 May 2016 Hour 19:00
Serra dei Giardini

Time for Impact


Time for Impact

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This year’s Biennale “Reporting from the Front” calls for these a-typical projects. Projects which raise questions rather than providing answers.

We believe that this Biennale is a rich collection and a potential starting point for establishing a paradigm-shift. This shift is already set in motion but is not detected on all political and governmental levels.

In order to increase the visibility of this movement and to increase its IMPACT we will build a movement around an online platform. This platform is the engine of the movement, which will be set in perpetual motion by this year’s Biennale.

Time For Impact is a an online platform that works as an Architectural Time Bank and Kickstarting Tool, promoting urgent challenges in the built environment that are in need of design expertise, spatial know-how and budget. Creative people from all over the world are invited to pledge their time and know-how to collectively boost socially relevant projects.


Next May 26, 19:00 - Microclima Venezia - you are welcome to join the opening presentation of Time for Impact.

The event will be presented by New Generations, space&matter and Architecture in Development - with the participation of Olandiamo - Ambasciata e Consolato Generale dei Paesi Bassi in Italia and the Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, main sponsors of the project.

Time for Impact opening event will see the participation of a selection of prestigious guests. We call them our "ambassadors", architects and curators that are supporting our initiative. 

Informazioni aggiuntive

Time for impact is a project by:
New Generations + space&matter + Architecture in Development

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E.g., 25/01/2025

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