14 Jul 2016 Hour 21:30
Teatro Stabile del Veneto Carlo Goldoni

Venice Jazz Festival Noa and Erri De Luca

Journey between music and literature

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Noa (vocals and percussion), Erri De Luca (narrator), Adam Ben Ezra (bass), Gadi Seri (percussion), Gil Dor (guitar)

It will be the Israeli singer Noa, with the writer Erri De Luca, one of the stars of the ninth edition of the Venice Jazz Festival. The world-renowned artist, champion of peace and civil rights, brings to the stage the Neapolitan song, accompanied by one of the most beloved writers of the Italian scene.
Noa will, as always accompanied by her quartet that sees the talented Adam Ben Ezra on bass and percussionist Gadi Seri alongside the historic music producer and guitarist Gil Dor with whom Noa is celebrating in 2016 its 25 years of joint career.
A concert that also devotes much space to the latest recording effort Noa (Love Medicine) but thanks to the meeting with Erri De Luca will turn into a kind of trip where music and literature - poetry and music - will walk together addressing common themes and dear to the two artists. An original production limited to a few dates in the peninsula.

Venice Jazz Festival is organized by Veneto Jazz in collaboration with the City of Venice, the Veneto Region, the Ministry of Heritage and Culture. Artistic partners: Verona, Icon Events, AMC Communications.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Admission fee.

Tickets: Stalls 40 euros + booking fee; 1st-2nd order gallery and stages 35 Euros + booking fee; reduced 20 Euros + booking fee (under 14, over 65 and students dino to 25 years).

Presale: www.tiketone.it

Info: jazz-venetojazz.com; www.venetojazz.com ; 366270299

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