10 Jan 2017 Hour 21:00
Ai Biliardi


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For the exhibition 'Underground Parallels' arrive Riverweed.

The Riverweed born in Treviso in the fall of 2014. The group consists of Alessandro Cocchetto (guitars and vocals) and Felipe Ceron (drums and vocals). Their sound is inspired by the primal blues of the Mississippi Delta, reinterpreted in a contemporary way and soiled by rock and garage sounds. The immediacy of the songs, combined with the impact sounds, make Riverweed a band particularly effective live.

Arriving from Treviso and up the Sile River have met their Mississippi. The Riverweed, who have roots in this land where the industial sheds alternate to the beauty of nature, found in these contrasts their inspiration.
They play in two, stripping himself of everything, just guitar and drums. Their music starts from the rock, but wants to go up the river, discovering the origins of the Delta blues, Indian music, to the Malian musicians such as Ali Farka Toure or Tinariwen.
All it soiled by a typically garage approach, inspired by famous bands like the White Stripes or Black Keys.
Full Moon is the first work of the duo, consists of Philip and Alexander Ceron Cocchetto.
In the six tracks that make up the disc put together the atmosphere of primordial blues with a typical explosive charge in rock. The lyrics tell of a world of grass and mud, a placid river under a full moon, the men who destroy the planet, and from which you can escape rediscover nature.
The sound of Riverweed is to be a huge impact for the duo. The excellent technique, improvisation, is always at the service of direct and immediate replacement. The dotted funky drums, the technique of slide guitar, take on a new look thanks to the use of effects and distortions close to the world of stoner and noise.
The album has a warm, rich sound, thanks to the use that the two musicians make vintage instruments. It was recorded in analog at the Outside Inside Studio Biadene, under the supervision of Matt Bordin, who with his Mojomatics has inflamed the boxes not only in Europe for over a decade.
Now it is the turn of Riverweed that live know how to be explosive and exciting as few groups and have already begun a tour that promises to be long and very intense.


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