10 Nov 2016 Hour 22:00
Spazio Aereo

Rashad Becker & Eli Keszler | von Tesla

SD Release Party

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VON TESLA - Secure Digital Relase Party

A sound box that invites the accurate perception of sound as physical presence from his narrative. The event sees together one of the finest of the contemporary music scene ears, the musician and sound engineer Rashad Becker, and the US multi-instrumentalist and visual artist Eli Keszler, recognized as one of the most talented drummers of the free-jazz scene, for his sound installations as well as fellow label on the PAN.
This will be also the occasion to present a preview of new work by Von Tesla "Secure Digital", released by Enklav.

Rashad Eli and give rise to a set of improvisation in which the boundary between acoustic and electronic becomes blurred and the peculiarities of each tool overlap and blend up to join in one voice.

The Von Tesla shows its ability to bring the listener into unrecognizable electronic territories. The format of which released his new release, an SD card, it reveals the character of its contents: a search that starts from contemporary possibile sound future. analog machines and samplers, alien sounds and synthetic, asymmetrical rhythm, pulse and distortions give rise to a mixture of melancholy dystopian visions.

Rashad Becker is a musician and sound engineer of the most respected of the contemporary music scene.
Its precise compositions and ghostly conduct sound public perception worlds by establishing perpetual becoming and seemingly indecipherable, that seem to replicate, in their complexity, the structure of human language. Referring to the album released by PAN (Traditional Music of Notional Species Vol. I), Rashad speaks of synthetic sounds as unique creatures conversing with each other by sharing moods and feelings, so that the construction of the tracks is given by the meeting between the sound elements and the development of such relations.
Sound engineer at Dublates & Mastering Studio, worked on an unlimited number of recordings and is recognized for its mastering skills.

ELI Keszler
Eli Keszler is an artist, composer and multi-instrumentalist based in New York. His compositions and visual works examine the limits of the instrumentation, notation and performance space in relation with the public.
He has collaborated among others with Christian Wolff, Oren Ambarchi, Phill Niblock, Roscoe Mitchell, Tony Conrad, Joe McPhee, Loren Connors, Geoff Mullen, Jandek and accounted for PAN discs and ESP-DISK, as well as for its REL.

Von Tesla is the project of Marco Giotto, based on manipulation and deconstruction of synthetic sequences recorded on tape, filtered and resampled, develop hypnotic loops supported by texture of rhythmic odd, acid sounds and deep echoes of distorted landscapes.
In 2011 comes in digital form the first work "Parallel World" for free download, with a DJ set live streaming all night long, closely followed by "Black Mirror" on tape for Tulip Records, "Providing Needles" to Enklav and "Raised by clear acid" for Boring Machines. Return to Enklav with "Farwell is a building" of 2015 and "Secure Digital", which will present for the first time in Airspace.

Artwork: Cristina Morandin

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Responsible contribution € 8 with Arci card

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