Problems & Eddy Urla
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Problems. Punk Rock, Ferrara
The Problems, all star band of old glories of Ferrara failed scene, formed in the summer of 2013 on the return drive from a concert of Stitches and find a name turning the cover of Never Mind the Bollocks by the Sex Pistols.
Few ideas but very clear, and even less desire to do them, come back and play punk rock as it should be, short pieces, drawn, eye-catching 30-minute live set tirelessly, trying to stay upright until the end of problems alcoholism and balance also sober.
While presenting rehearsal room much less frequently than in the bar, including an American and a Negroni, they manage to put together a dozen original pieces that will soon be published in vinyl format 12 "; a preview of these pieces is, however, already been published as 4-track digital EP on their page bandcamp (
Musically they refer to a punk rock American '77 mold, passed through Orange County in the early 80s, definitely executed in '90, and now resurrected in chronic delays and heedless of the events of the past 25 years.
Live they have got to perform in several evenings opening band more or less known on the international scene (Adolescents, TSOL, Useless Eaters, Raw Power) and also in the evenings headline, leaving a good memory but without being ever called back.
Crocetti (vocals), Stix (guitar), Rescazzi (bass) and Zhivago (drums) have played in unrecognized band that only the most fortunate can remember (Bankshot, Entropy, Dead Ducx, Quinlan and well as those yielding shoegaze, the Silver Rocket ); someone has also played for two weeks in Ferrara Italian hardcore legends, but in Ferrara you have done all over 40 so not worth).
Defined "no longer young, but youth in the ways" (?) Or even "those with the elegant singer" (?), If they survive the nth night out and not get lost instrumentation dice, they will come to play in a garage / cellar / squat / billiard room / grand-hotel-and-casino near your home.
Bruno Crocetti - Item
Stix - Guitar
Marco Rescazzi - Low
Nicola Zhivago - Battery
Problems EP (digital, Bandcamp, 2016)
Programmed Obsolescence of "The Great Rock'n'Roll Revenge" compilation (digital, Venom Zine, 2016)
EDDY SCREAMS. Alternative Rock, Venice
Christian "Red" Fontanella: voice
Lorenzo "Ency" Secchi Martini: lead guitar
Luciano "Cyan" Marinetti: rhythm guitar
Francesco "Checco" Patane: low
Gianmatteo "Teo" Pilla: Battery
1987: The Eddy Urla born from the ashes of the Venetian group Punk / Harcore Cold War.
The band, in the '90s, suffers several lineup changes, getting gradually the influence of different styles Metal / Alternative of the underground environment, were built. The Eddy Urla have played a lot live and recorded two demos: "Mud" and "Boh". They are present in the Rock Contest-called "Vinyl" of Rosa. They melt in the mid 90s.
2015: The Eddy Urla get together with bassist and drummer of the first formation, the guitarist and singer of the second formation. Soon he finds lead guitarist and after a few months of rehearsals begin live. Unlikely now you can not place them in a specific genre. In December 2015, Eddy Urla entered the studio to record four pieces, now available online, as a promo of their new jobs.
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