11 Feb 2017 Hour 21:00
Ai Biliardi

Plants and Animals

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Plants and Animals are a Canadian indie-rock band of Montreal (with two members from Halifax, Nova Scotia), which includes guitarists-vocalists Warren Spicer and Nic Basque and drummer-singer Matthew Woodley Woody. The trio played together since childhood and has emerged on the international scene in 2008. They come out for the Secret City Records label already Suuns, Patrick Watson and Basia Bulat.

Their first album, Parc Avenue, was selected for the Polaris Music Prize 2008 and was nominated for a Juno Award 2009 among alternative album of the year; the band has also been named as a new group of the year.

In February 2016, the band announced the upcoming release of their fourth album Waltz from Rumbling due out April 29, 2016 and as sound approaches to the intense melodies of Radiohead, well-balanced vocals and harmonies of acoustic and electric instruments to Flaming Lips. They can also remember the Arcade Fire, Wolf Parade Islands and with which they have toured together and shared the stage many times. After the recent American and Canadian tour arrive in February in Europe and for the first time in Italy.


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