07 Jan 2017 Hour 22:00
Spazio Aereo

OVO / Hate & Shit / Ignorance Dj-set

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OVO / Hate & Shit / Ignorance Dj-set

A primal beat and a primitive voice resound within the walls of Airspace in the incessant and frantic mantra of OVO, with whom we will see a primitive tribal dance made of cathartic screaming and stripped to the bone rhythms. Accompanying abrasives & Hate Shit, faces covered by thick black stockings and high volume.

Afterwards, the return of vinilata for dancers of the collective ignorance dj.

"It's not noise, not metal, not doom, punk not, not rock and roll, even if there's a little bit of All These. Certainly it's not free nor avant nor improve. For once, we can really say That it's a band you can not file ".

More than 900 concerts, an unknown number of releases between albums, collaborations, individual, pieces of compilation. The OVO, Stefania Pedretti (vocals / guitar possessed) and Bruno Dorella (half battery like the set of a metal band) have always been one of the most active bands in the world loud rock scene. Their results led them anywhere in Europe, North America, Mexico, Middle East, South East Asia.
After "Killer", "Vae Victis" and "Scars" published on their label Bar La Muerte, releasing discs for American labels such as the legendary Load ( "Myasthenia" and "Crossroads") and Blossoming Noise, then Supernatural Cat for devastating "Cor cordium" and "Abyss", until the new relationship with God Drone for the new album "Creature" which continues and develops a vein that blends so perfectly natural and original heavy rock and electronic sounds, keeping a OvO mysterious alien object for 18 years. They have collaborated or played with some of the biggest names in contemporary experimental rock music (among them Hermit, KK Null, Tremor, Marner), also working on film soundtracks (Nosferatu, Frankenstein) and theater performances ( "Aeneis V" Theatre Lenz).

Hate & Shit
A duo reduced to essentials: drums, guitar / vocals and boundless power. There is no pretense or provocation: the name, features and appearance of those who are playing are neither important nor necessary.
The first album, "The Year of hatred", was released in 2013, preceded by a handful of concerts scattered around the peninsula where the two no-face reveal their hardcore influences, but also ambient noise, accompanied by texts Italian direct and without censorship. the album gets good response from reviews and live, bringing the band throughout Italy and finally at the Pukkelpop Festival in Belgium in 2015. the new album, "the Capital of Evil", sees the light in January 2016 , produced and distributed by a consortium of key labels of the Italian underground scene (Blood Drives, Discs Bervisti, Shove Records, Toten Schwan Records, Zas Autoproduzioni Records, Ichor Productions, UTU Conspiracy and DioDrone) and hosts among others Stefania Pedretti (OVO / ? Alos) and Matthew Bennici (Squarcicatrici).

Informazioni aggiuntive

Responsible contribution € 7, students € 5.

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