05 Feb 2017 Hour 19:00
Spazio Aereo

NB Jazz Trio / Palco Aperto feat. Rareş / Atomic Jam


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Power Acoustic Sunday

- 19:00 Opening doors
- 19:30 Open Stage feat Rareş
- 21:30 NB JAZZ TRIO (Brischetto-Santimone-Negrello)
- 23:00 Atomic Power Jam Session

Frigid temperatures block all your plans?
Are peaceful, this Sunday to warm the climate and also the hearts of the most imperturbable comes the 'NB JAZZ TRIO, the trio of Nazzareno Brischetto, young and talented trumpeter who will lead us and take us on a journey "drum-less" but "full of sound ", in the company of two experienced and recognized explorers of Jazz: Daniele and Tiziano Santimone Negrello. A trip for lovers of the communicative jazz, jazz that is told through a romantically melodic dialogue.
At 19.30 back the "Open Stage", ie the Airspace instrumentation will be available to those who will have something to play or say. Special guest will be the young Rareş, former lead singer of Tequila for Kids, which will perform in a new and unusual repertoire, strictly acoustic.

The love of sound, to its primordial nudity, passion for jazz and improvisation, rhythmic tension, the non-written unsaid, the charm of the empty spaces, these are some of the musical alchemy ingredients Nazzareno Brischetto the trio. In all this, however, the element that dominates over others is undoubtedly the melody, always consecrated queen of musical communication.
A trio that offers an original and interesting repertoire, consisting of original compositions and arrangements of famous songs of the jazz repertoire. The trio will involve the listener on an unexpected trip and full of surprises, including the most traditional jazz and the more modern, without any preconceptions or stylistic scheme: just music, without compromise.
The drumless liberation, or without battery, on the one hand makes it possible to enclose the music in a very intimate, on the other hand stimulates the musicians in a continuous rhythmic tension, which often open up creative paths and improvisational totally unexpected.

NAZZARENO Brischetto - Trumpet and Flugelhorn
DANIELE Santimone - Guitar
JUSTIN Negrello - Bass

Artwork: Cristina Morandin

Informazioni aggiuntive

Admission with Arci card - Contribution charge 7 €, students and Jammisti around 5 euro

If you still have the card Arci, please fill out the pre-accession form at this link: https://portale.arci.it/preadesione/spazioaereo/

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E.g., 19/02/2025

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