17 Dec 2016 Hour 20:30
Centro Sociale Rivolta

Medium w / Murubutu

Coord student party. students

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Feast of the Coordination school students Venezia-Mestre

Special guest:

MURUBUTU + The Kattiveria & Dj T-Robb
Presentation of the new album "The man who was traveling in the wind"

Open act:




Murubutu is an artist devoted to the study of the interaction between rap music and literature. Convinced of the potential of the rap genre as a means of cultural emancipation is in particular the combination with the narrative that has made known his music nationwide bringing the art of storytelling to uncharted levels.

Active since the 90s and strong four solo albums published by the label Bolognese Irma records (www.irmarecords.com) now presents her new dedicated wind concept album (released in October 2016) featuring collaborations by famous artists of the scene hip hop Italian as Ghemon, Dargen D'Amico and Grudge.

Murubutu live, with the help of members of La Kattiveria crew (Lieutenant, UGO) and Dj T-Robb, offering a unique blend of hip hop with classical poetry, fiction and literary potential.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Opening Gates 20:30
Live beginning at 22: 00

Admission € 5

Starting from 20.30, at the Osteria del Centro Sociale Rivolta can enjoy delicious pizzas and dishes made with quality raw materials selected by the producers of the area accompanied by real ales Lucky Brews.

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E.g., 18/02/2025

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