07 Dec 2016 Hour 22:00
Spazio Aereo

Las Kellies / Harmonic Pillow / Oceanicmood

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Las Kellies / Harmonic Pillow / Oceanicmood

Know each other at a concert and start a band, pause the music and find it in darker colors, chasing and engulf the direction of a sound, look and spread the fun part: Airspace proposes IMMACULATE STARDUST, a Wednesday night from the soul festive and rebellious with the post-punk of the Argentine Las Kellies, the varied alternative rock of PILLOW HARMONIC and sensual Oceanicmood groove.

Las Kellies
The Las Kellies born in 2005, when three girls meet at a concert in Buenos Aires and decided to form a band by borrowing instruments to amplifiers and friends. Guitars flickering, slothful climates: in an open inspiration to many female bands in the industry (Slits,'s, Sleater-Kinney) and the giants of the early 80's (Talking Heads in particular, along with The Jesus And Mary Chain ), the Las Kellies generate a post-punk contaminated garage, surf, dub and Latin atmosphere. Preceded by "Shaking Dog" (2007), "KALIMERA" (2009) and "Kellies" (2010), in October 2016 he released the band's latest album "Friends & Lovers" on the London Fire Records. Among the few Argentine rock band capable of overcoming national borders invading those in Europe and US to abundant sound fuzz, the Las Kellies will only be accompanied by the live dates since the last entry in the band Manuela Ducatenzeiler on bass.

"Almost a closet of memories, with many references to the mood of the nineties and the golden era of alternative rock. This is not a mere tribute, but a real reworking personal key that swallows inside the sensations related to listening to Nirvana, Hole, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, and generally all the names that have shaped a generation of listeners and future musicians in the light of a clash between indie and grunge, pop and noise-rock ". (The New Noise)

The Harmonic Pillow Celebrin are Anna and Alex Comin: Previously active as Diet Kiss, after a period of suspension of the two music are reproduced with a new name in 2016 giving the prints of the same name "Harmonic Pillow" (Discs Bervisti) confirming the mature outcome of a deep and introspective sound research led nell'addolcimento the drive noise of the band, always soiled with sprayed grunge and punk, but aimed at a greater emphasis on harmony and tinged with a conscious intention dream.

Oceanicmood is a way of listening to music. Oceanicmood is Alice Neglia, DJ and artistic director of the project clubbing female Powder, now in its fifth season, aims to revive the imagery of the 70s-80s Disco Diva. His DJ sets are surrounded by groovy atmosphere and steeped in funk, disco-house, boogie.
Look, spread the beauty of it is his goal. Dancefloor addicted, not subsiding until the track has not started to give off a certain amount of sensuality.
"Powder is not a night for posers, is a party for human beings"

Artwork: Cristina Morandin
Production: Cultural Association Airspace

Informazioni aggiuntive

Responsible contribution 7 € with Arci card
Responsible contribution to students 5 euro with Arci card and student card

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